stay, play & learn internship program...
We have set up a unique immersive program for people who would like to come and stay with us and experience what we do first hand. You will stay in our accommodation, help us with our daily tasks involving the resident animals and then we will go out as a group with the Vet to a pre-planned location and perform sterilisations for the local community dogs & cats.
If we get called to any street dog emergencies and helpers would like to tag along you are more than welcome to.
We only cater for a maximum of 10 people at one time to ensure that we give you enough time and attention.
Come, stay, play & learn and become part of our animal family.
This program is suitable for:
anyone who has a love of animals and would like to improve their quality of life
anyone interested in studying veterinary medicine
anyone interested in dog training & behaviour / animal handling
Your stay would not be complete without an introduction to the following:
Balinese culture - learn about balinese culture first hand from the locals.
Hindu religion & ceremony - an introduction into this colourful religion. Learn to make ceremonial offerings.
An introduction into the basics of cooking Balinese cuisine.
Bahasa Indonesia - learn a few sentences to make interactions easier & to really put a smile on the faces of locals.