street dogs & cats...
We also care about the street dogs on the island. Our sterilisation program is also open to street dogs (anjing liar which means homeless dogs in Bahasa Indonesia). We have a "catch, sterilise, release" philosophy which in time will also reduce the number of street dogs to a manageable level.
Homeless dogs are mostly the result of litters being dumped who then survive. These survivors go on to kill livestock which they view as a source of food. When young they start out by killing small chickens, then bigger ones, then they move on to baby pigs and when they group as a pack they attack and kill calves. This brings them directly to the junction of human animal conflict and they lose every time.
To the local island population, chickens are food; pigs are grown to be sacrificed in ceremonies and cows are bred to make money. The loss of any of these animals is serious and has consequences to a population that lives hand to mouth. Dogs are deemed have little to no to value in this society. Village Heads and local residents take swift action and lay poison to kill homeless dogs after such attacks. We want to break the cycle of dumping litters of puppies which then kill livestock and in turn are killed themselves.
We currently provide emergency medical attention to dogs with injuries as and when we are notified by local residents. We also street feed where we can.
We would like to see every dog have an owner and someone to care for them.
With regards to kittens that are dumped, those that survive swiftly learn to kill rodents, small chickens and native birds in order to survive. The only predators of cats on the island are dogs and snakes. Cats have limited value also, they are mostly kept in order to reduce the population of rodents in and around houses.
We would like to see every cat have an owner and someone to care for them.